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Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit Information and Resource Hub for Health and Human Services Professionals

2021-2022 Project Archive

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This hub was created in 2021 to host information and resources on tax filing for health and human services agencies that serve families eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The EITC is a tax credit available to workers and families with low- to moderate-incomes. The CTC provides financial support to families with children.


The resources housed here were created to help health and human services agencies increase awareness of the expanded advance CTC for their customers. Resources may still be useful to adapt for future CTC and EITC outreach; however, language, dates, and links will require revision. Contact Jess Maneely, Manager of Process Innovation at the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) if you would like updated resources for future tax years.


This site will no longer be continuously updated, but it will remain live as an artifact of useful resources from 2021-2022.



Resources and tools are available to help your agency make an outreach plan and track the impact of your CTC awareness efforts

STEP 1: Make an outreach plan

STEP 2: Claim a unique URL to or  Fill out this form to get your unique URL or email  

  • This will enable you to track your efforts and see how you have made a difference.

  • You will then have access to a data dashboard where you can see how many people have signed up using your unique URL, when, and how much they received.

STEP 3: Send messages!  




Message Toolkit for Human Services Agencies



Toolkit providing customizable mail inserts, social media posts, website copy, sample text messages, recorded message scripts, and more for agencies to adapt and use in their customer communications.

Expanded CTC Outreach Resource Toolkit for Public Benefits Agencies

Coalition on Human Needs and Partnership for America’s Children


Field resources for public benefit agencies, including work done by agencies to conduct CTC outreach, sample outreach materials, tax filing resources, resources for immigrant families, and filing resources for foster youth.

EITC Partner Toolkit



Materials to help conduct outreach to encourage people to learn more about EITC. Provides marketing tools including templates, statistics, fact sheets, how-to-tips, and social media resources. Also includes an EITC Qualification Assistant to help filers determine if they are eligible.

Outreach Materials for 2022

The Social Press Kit


Materials to help conduct outreach to encourage people to file a tax return to claim CTC and EITC. Provides marketing materials including social media posts and graphics, flyers, and posters. Some materials are available in English, Spanish, and other languages. 

EITC and CTC Outreach Resources Site

Get It Back Campaign


Materials to support outreach efforts for people to learn more and access CTC and EITC. Includes specific toolkits tailored for each tax credit as well as a toolkit for tax filing. Also includes a memo with guidance on key dates and timing considerations for outreach efforts as well as an estimator tool for filers.  

EITC Awareness Day Toolkit 

Prosperity Now


Resources to help reach more taxpayers and local and federal lawmakers, sharing the impact of EITC. With materials including social media posts, state data sheets, and shareable images, toolkits are provided for the following target audiences: practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and taxpayers.

Child Tax Credit Resources

National Community Action Partnership (NCAP)


Resource page hosting an array of CTC resources including promotional videos, memos on community engagement, bilingual educational flyers, research round-ups, and more.

Community Resources from


Resources and tools including best practices, sample texts, sample emails, printable resources, social media posts, and talking points for partners to help reach families about the CTC and EITC. Downloads available in English and Spanish (more languages to come).

Free VITA Tax preparation – Assistance available in English and Spanish

Free VITA Tax preparation – Assistance available in English and Spanish



For Health and Human Services Professionals

Outreach Impact
Toolkits for Outreach
Plug Into Tax Conversatin

This hub was a project of the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) in 2021-2022.


This site will no longer be continuously updated, but it will remain live as an artifact of useful resources from 2021-2022. Please contact Jess Maneely, Manager of Process Innovation at APHSA if you would like updated resources for future tax years.

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